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урок- Литературная гостиная, посвященная творчеству С.А. Есенина "More Art than Women"
Материалы: проектор, экран, компьютер, музыкальное сопровождение, свечи, самовар, распечатки слов романса.
Этапы урока: 1. Вступительное слово о жизни и творчестве поэта.
2. Беседа со студентами (опрос по теме)
3. презентация «Биография Есенина»
4. презентация «Женщины XX века»
5. стихотворение «Письмо женщине»
 6. Романс «Не жалею, не зову не плачу»
7. презентация «Женщины в жизни Есенина» с чтением стихов (Письмо Матери, Сестре Шуре, Кашиной, Шагане, Пускай ты выпита другим, До свидания, друг мой)
8. видеоролик «Танец Дункан»
9. инсценировка «Прощание с Дункан»
10. стихотворение «Все теперь решено…» (с песней)
11. видеоролик «поэма «Любовь хулигана» в исполнении Есенина».
 12. чаепитие
Everyone who researches Esenin’s life soon becomes aware that there are still considerable gaps in our knowledge at all stages of his life. But still what is true is that women played an important role in his short life. First of all we should mention his mother, T.F. His parents married when his father was 18 and mother 16 and a half. Sergei was Tatiana Fedorovna’s first child to survive. Her 4 earlier children died in babyhood. A quarrel broke out and Esenin’s parents lived apart for several years. After a few years his mother left the house of the Esenins with 3-year-old Sergei in her arms. Grandfather took Sergei in and sent his mother to the town to earn her living. Then mother returned to Konstantinovo. T.F. had a nice voice and used to sing about woman’s hard and hopeless lot. (letter to mother) Katya,one of his sisters, was his secretary. She was nice and smart, Sergei was very proud of her. Katya did everything to keep safe Esenin’s documents and his works after his death His sister Shura was 16 years younger than Sergei. No wonder that the elder brother was like father for her. He used to come to Konstantinovo and sing songs with her. Later he took Shura to Moscow. She retold the story how Sergei took her to the Moscow restaurant for the first time in her life and she felt very embarrassed. Sergei seeing that, told her that everyone in the restaurant was looking at her, as she was very pretty though later the girl understood that people were looking at her brother as they recognized the famous poet. Even by this fact we can see how he loved his younger sister. One of his poems was devoted to her…(to sister Shura) 1912 while studying in Konstantinovo he spent much time with a landlady, Lidia Kashina. She was reach, generous and clever. For some time he lived in her big homestead, later on they had correspondence with each other. The poem Anna Snegina was devoted to this woman and one more poem "to Kashina”..
In 1913 Esenin got acquainted with A. Izriadnova, she worked in the printing house. For two years they lived in a civil marriage. She gave birth to a son, Yuri, in 1914. All her life Ann was devoted to Esenin and never (не осуждала) condemned him. Even after parting with him they remained good friends. He supported her with money all his life.
In August 1917 Eesenin married for a second time an actress, Zinaida Raikh (later wife of Vsevolod Meyerhold). He was 22, she was 23. From the very beginning of their life together the poet was dissapointed as she lied to the husband that he was her first partner. He couldn’t forgive her. Esenin didn’t live with his second wife for a long time, though Zinaida gave birth to two children, daughter Tatyana and son Konstantin. The poet told once his friend that he didn’t love his wife anymore and asked the friend to tell her that he loved another woman. He didn’t want even to see his son, having said that the child had dark hair but the Esenins had fair hair. As for Z. Reikh, she was a woman with dark hair and eyes. 1921 they got a divorce.
In autumn, 1920 Esenin met N. Volpin, an interpreter and a poetess. At first they were just good friends. They declaimed poems to each other. From time to time they met but didn’t live together. She gave birth to her son in 1924. She didn’t let Esenin to see her child. Sergei Yesenin never knew his son by Volpin, but Alexander Esenin-Volpin grew up to become a poet. Now he lives in the USA.
At the same time- 1920- he met G. Benislavskaja, she was not pretty, but very clever and sensitive. She loved him selflessly. Esenin considered her to be a good friend but not a woman..She tried to separate him from Dunkan and his friends- drunkards. The poet said to her: Galya, you are a very good friend of mine but I don’t love you..Nevertheless she was waiting for him days and nights, watching how he had love affairs with other women. on the fall of 1921, while visiting the studio of painter Ghyorghi Yakulov, Yesenin met the American dancer Isadora Duncan, a woman 18 years his senior who knew only a dozen words in Russian. As for Esenin, he spoke no foreign languages. She was a dancer, considered by many to be the creator of modern dance, she always danced barefoot. Born in the United States, she lived in Europe and the Soviet Union from the age of 22 until her death at age 50. Both in her professional and private lives, Duncan flouted traditional mores and morality. She was bisexual, which was not uncommon in early Hollywood circles. They married on May 2, 1922. They both took the double name- Esenin-Dunkan. She was 44, her husband- 27. Isadora had had a tragedy in her life before, as she had lost her children in a car accident. Yesenin accompanied his celebrity wife on a tour of Europe and the United States but at this point in his life, an addiction to alcohol had gotten out of control. Esenin’s friend, Mariengof has later written in an essay, that Isadora herself did not fascinate Esenin, but her fame. Often drunk, Yesenin had violent rages in which he destroyed hotel rooms and caused disturbances in restaurants. This behavior received a great deal of publicity in the international press.[ His marriage to Duncan was brief and in May 1923, he returned to Moscow. He almost immediately became involved with actress Augusta Miklashevskaya. He is rumoured to have married her in a civil ceremony, although he had not obtained a divorce from Duncan. Duncan's fondness for flowing scarves was the cause of her death in a freak automobile accident in Nice, France, in 1927, at the age of 50. Video Ролиk Have a look at I. Dunkan. This actress made her body free. We can see a kind of antique dance, which inspired such great people as Diagilev and Nizhinskiy. She returned to America thinking about Russia which Esenin had chanted and loved. There was love between those two people…"A black man "- this poem was written after parting with Dunkan. Сценка. It’s settled…
In August 1923 he met the actress of Moscow chamber theater A. Miklashevskaja. He devoted to her some verses from the cycle "Love of a hooligan”. They were engaged, but didn’t marry, as a year later the poet died. As it is said Esenin wouldn’t be Esenin without A. Miklashevskaia. She is supposed to be the only woman Esenin ever loved . Suddenly he became very quite and happy with her. Though Esenin realized that he wouldn’t be able to make this woman happy, he left her, but he never stopped thinking about her. As for . Miklashevskaja she never read anybody the poems of Esenin devoted to her. (Пускай ты выпита другим)
1924 Esenin travelled to Batumi and got acquainted with the teacher of literature Shagane Taljan. He never met her again but wrote some poems where he mentioned that woman. (Shagane)
Esenin’s aspiration to the women much older and socially significant than he was well known among his friends. He sought fame and popularity. Perhaps that’s the reason why the poet loved some famous women.
Sofia Tolstaya was a granddaughter of the great writer Leo Tolstoi. Esenin married her in 1925. It was a short marriage and didn’t bring happiness to their life. Later she would write to her mother” I gave myself to him. I wanted to live for him. But he doesn’t need me anymore.. She was the fourth wife of the poet. In the late 1925 Esenin spent some time in a hospital for a nervous breakdown. He had left his wife and went to Leningrad, where he hanged himself in the Hotel d'Angleterre, on December 28, 1925. Before his death, Esenin slashed his wrists and wrote with his own blood his farewell in 'Do svidan'ia, drug moi, do svidan'ia': "In this life it is not new to die, / but neither it is new to be alive." Esenin used blood because the ink bottle in the room was dry. (Au revoir) In 1926, a year later, G. Benislavskaia commited suicide on his grave. Till the end of Esenin’s life she hoped to become his wife. She lost herself with his death. Esenin died at the age of 30, tired of life and tired of poetry. His suicide in Leningrad triggered a wave of imitative suicides. Esenin became a myth and legend, and he is still one of the most beloved poets in our country.

Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент. Warming up.
Teacher: Hi to everybody! Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you. We’ll discuss different subcultures. You know that a lot of young people belong to different subcultures.
Речевая зарядка. T: What is a subculture? What are the main features of any subculture? Each of you will go to the blackboard and write down one of the features, Anya, you’re the next… Mind map. subculture

2.Teacher: What’s the difference between the meanings of the words "culture” and "subculture”? Which term has a wider meaning? Phonetic drill. You will need some new words to discuss the topic we are working at. Look at your papers, listen to me and read after me: A subculture-субкультура; to express one's identity- самовыражаться; to rebel against society- бросать вызов обществу; to reject- отвергать; to try out all sorts of options- попробовать многое; violent- насильственный; to differ from social norms- отличаться от общественных норм; to have their own values and belief- иметь свои ценности и убеждения; distinct features- отличительные черты; a Mohawk- ирокез; to show off- привлекать к себе внимание; 1)T-Group, 2) read in chain, 3) Ann, read all the words.
3. Brain storming. T: I’ll ask you some questions and you will answer them, trying to use the words and word combinations from the screen.
Teacher: Why do young people like to be in some grouping?
What do young people find there, get there?
T: What new groupings appear nowadays in our country and abroad?
Today we’ll pay plenty of time learning and speaking about different subcultures.
4. Говорение. Монологическая и диалогическая речь студентов с показом слайдов: mods, hippy, punks, Goths, emo, skin-heads. Your hometask was to find some material about the most popular subcultures. Helen, your task was to find some pictures concerning different youth groupings. Let’s begin with your presentations! Who wants to speak about hippies? And you listen to her attentively and be ready to answer the questions. -

5. Видеоролик. Anime comes to life. Дотекстовый этап. Teacher: Read the title of the film. What is the film about? Look at your shits of paper and read the expressions you’ll hear in the film. Read in chain. How do you understand them? A highly stylized form of animation; to take part in cosplaying (costume playing); to dress like the favorite character; to be not limited to specific regions, ages or culture; to feel comfortable with anyone; to be accepted into the community. Просмотр фильма. Teacher: Now look through the questions at your papers and be ready to answer them after watching the film once more. Повторный просмотр. Teacher: So, what youth grouping has been mentioned in the film? Use the expressions you have on your desks.
Teacher: Now I want someone to retell the film. Use the questions as the plan of your retelling.
6. Retelling. Anime is a highly stylized form of animation. It comes from Japan. Its popularity is growing nowadays. The members of this subculture take part in cosplaying, they dress and act like their favorite anime characters. There is an entire community where people get together; they could be from across the state or even from another country. The cosplaying community is a growing subculture not limited to specific regions, ages or race. As they say, when you cosplay, there is no race anymore, you are the character and that’s the main thing. They feel comfortable with any cosplayers from any country. What’s your opinion about anime?
7.Индивидуальная работа. Работа с текстом.
The next task everyone will do in pairs. Read the text and, while reading make notes in the margin, what is known for you, what is new, with what you disagree and what is not clear for you.
1. The UK as many other developed countries is the cradle of diverse subcultures all of which are impossible to enumerate. Therefore, let us rest upon the informal streams closely connected with music, art and reflecting the history of Great Britain. 2. In the early part of the 20th century, subcultures were not yet steady and numerous. Still subcultural groupings gained more and more popularity as they provided a place where the diverse talents of young people could interact. 3. After World War II British youth divided into fractions. There were the jazz kids, the rock and roll teenagers and so on. 4. Coffee bars were meeting place for all the types of youth and the coolest ones were said to be in Soho, London. 5. Starting with 1950s more or less steady and influential youth groupings appeared in Britain, such as teddies, mods, skinheads, rockers and punks. Each of these groupings had and has now its own ideals and attributes, principles and rules. Have you finished? what kind of information is known for you. Use the expressions, given on your sheets. I think that\ It is (well) known that\I didn’t know that\ I don’t agree that\ I am of opinion that\ it is new for me that\ I don’t understand why… V «галочка» (a tick) (то, что уже известно)знак «минус» (то, что противоречит представлению)+ знак «плюс» (то, что является интересным и неожиданным)? «вопросительный знак» (если что-то неясно, возникло желание узнать больше)

8.Песня "Help”. (the Bietles)
You’ve mentioned at the lesson about the first subculture in Great Britain that appeared in 1960-s- the mods, that the famous group "The Beatles” was the symbol, the ideal of that subculture. Let’s sing a song "Help” with our guests together!